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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Banksy Graffiti : 7 Sides of the World’s Most Infamous Street Artist

Speaking of Banksy, we will ask, who were the mysterious Banksy Graffiti behind such a beautiful and popular throughout the world. Street graffiti artist who creates a difference and uniqueness in such a healthy criticism without violence. But the mysterious things about who Banksy is actually followed by a controversial thing about a lot of Banksy painting in wall street. Divided into several groups, some assume that it is a great and beautiful art, but there are also some people who feel it is an illegal crime that can create discomfort for the environment.
Banksy? He has changed from an internationally known as a subversive graffiti artist - yet manages to maintain a secret identity. He is a counter-cultural prankster, but has art in major cosmopolitan galleries around the globe. Banksy's work has sold to Hollywood celebrities for over a half-million dollars a piece, but much of his subvertising is Freely (and illegally) drawn on public surfaces. He works against the mass media establishment, but has been featured in local, national, international news. He is on Some level clearly a geek at heart but at the Same time his art is always on the cutting edge. The Following seven Fascinating examples illustrate the range of Banksy's life and works through his most controversial and Compelling projects.

Banksy Graffiti,Banksy
Banksy Graffiti,Banksy
Banksy in the Streets: Banksy is a household name in the UK, perhaps best known for his compelling stencil graffiti, found throughout major cities on walls and billboards. He avoids the abstraction of traditional tags, instead creating (often photo-realistic) urban street art images that respond to a given context and contain some form of social commentary. Of course, these are all highly illegal, which is part of the reason Banksy shields his identity.

Banksy Graffiti,Banksy
Banksy in Museums: Banksy has been an internationally notorious figure since covertly adding his own works onto the walls of major museums in both the UK and the US. He managed to sneak in and install a fake prehistoric cave painting into the British Museum. This piece went unnoticed for days, and was later added to the museum’s permanent collection! Banksy also slipped subversive and satirical painted works onto the walls of four major New York museums – two of these four pieces remain in place.

Banksy Graffiti,Banksy
Banksy for Free: On Banksy’s website, images of his work are sold for free and he humorously encourages ‘buyers’ to print it out “on gloss paper using the company printer ink when everyone else is at lunch.” However, the works mentioned here and the pieces shown on his site are only a fraction of his contributions. To learn more, buy one of Banksy’s books – or better yet, take one from the library, replace the dust cover, keep the book and return something provocative in its place!

Banksy Graffiti,Banksy
Banksy for Sale: Works of the elusive Banksy have sold for over $500,000 a piece. Among his fans are Hollywood hotshots Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Keanu Reeves and Christina Aguilera. One family in Bristol – Banksy’s home town – went so far as to list their house for sale as a mural with a building attached, to find buyers interested in preserving the art on the side of the structure.

Banksy Graffiti,Banksy
Bansky gets Stolen: Unfortunately, with Banksy’s fame has come a price for curators and communities who have and enjoy his work. Popular pieces have both been stolen from museums and dissappeared from the urban landscape, only to be resold for profit. The former is to be expected, perhaps, but the latter is a real blow to communities that know and appreciate Banksy’s contribution to their neighborhood.

Banksy Graffiti,Banksy
Banksy on the West Bank: Braving threats and even warning shots from Israeli security forces, Banksy managed to make a statement through his works on the West Bank barrier. Reactions were mixed to his contributions to the wall, but the coverage certainly raised global attention. This kind of work shows the development of Banksy from a local subversive to an artist with a global political agenda, reminiscent of the amazing political murals of Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Banksy Graffiti,Banksy
Banksy on Paris Hilton: Despite the gravity of some of his work, Banksy is no stranger to subverty pop culture icons. In one of his most famous stunts, Banksy replaced 500 copies of a Paris Hilton CD with his own remixes and cover art. Perhaps even more amazing: it was reported that no one who accidentally purchased Banksy’s version of the CD returned it. Banksy’s fame has grown as has taken on more attention-grabbing subjects, from international relations to pop icons.

Banksy Graffiti,Banksy
Banksy Graffiti,Banksy
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